Secrets of the Fifth Chakra to Live a More Authentic Life

Experts say most of us lie or avoid speaking the truth dozens of times each day. We may do this for a number of reasons, such as to avoid getting into trouble, or to protect the feelings of others. We might also do it in order to show off, to seem better than we actually are in some way.

A few ‘white lies’ for the benefit of others may not do much harm, but if it starts to become a way of life with the most important relationships in your life, it might be time to do some work on your throat chakra in order to lead a more authentic life.

The throat chakra is, as the name suggests, located at our throat, and its color is blue. It is situated in an interesting position between our heart chakra and third eye chakra. The heart is the seat of love, compassion and connection. An open heart chakra allows us to give and receive love. A closed one can make us lonely and stop the harmonizing energy from flowing.

The third eye is the seat of our intuition, spirituality and higher self. An open chakra allows us to tap into our inner wisdom and spirituality. A closed one will stop us from advancing spiritually.

The throat connects these two chakras and is in fact the 7 of communication and expressing one’s truth. If you say what you mean and mean what you say, your throat chakra is well-balanced. On the other hand, if you lie, gossip, can’t keep secrets, or are not as good as your word, that is, reliable, it’s time to tune up your throat chakra.

You can do this through meditation on this chakra, or touching it using your hand or a chakra stone. You can also massage it lightly using an essential oil that will help balance it, such as coriander or lavender.

You can also chant the mantra associated with the throat chakra, the syllable HAM. Breathe from your belly as you chant to add power to it. You can also chant it silently.

Yoga poses such as Fish, Plow and Legs up the wall will also focus the energies at your throat chakra to improve your communication.

You can also do some work on your solar plexus chakra below your heart chakra if you struggle with the issue of willpower and personal power. Harnessing the energy of this chakra will channel energy upwards so that you can open your heart to others and speak the truth from a place of honesty, not evasion.

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