If you are looking for a natural way to get holistic wellness within your body, this Angel scalar energy pendant is for you. By wearing the pendant around your neck or carrying it on your person, you can enjoy the many positive benefits that scalar energy offers. This pendant is made from genuine rainbow quartz crystal and real purple amethyst from Iceland which aids healing and regenerates your youthful beauty!
Scalar energy is from the future and is known as healing energy. It maintains the body’s biofield by promoting a positive flow of energy and restores energy that has been weakened by daily exposure to negative energies like radiation from mobile phones, television, computers, x-rays, and electrical appliances. EMF radiation causes serious harm to your body over a prolonged period of time. This crystal amethyst Angel scalar pendant releases negative ions, combating the positive ions from electrical devices, keeping you safe from EMF and regenerating your cells so your skin regains its youthful look.
The Scalar energy in this pendant will not diminish. In fact, it will provide you with consistent energy for a lifetime. Scalar energy is known throughout the world for its medicinal utilities and is now used to treat all manner of ailments. Made of an exclusive mineral based crystal and amethyst gemstone, with high synergistic properties. This is capable of absorbing heat energy and instantly transforming the energy into bio-energy that promotes your molecular activities and benefits the body’s metabolic functions, it elevates blood circulatory systems and helps achieve holistic well being. All in all, it adds up to a more youthful looking you!
How Does Scalar Energy Work?
1. It eliminates the effects of man made frequencies (60 cps) in the human body.
2. Increases energy level of every single cell in the body to the ideal 70 to 90 mili volt.
3. Scalar energy increases the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body as confirmed by spectrographs and thus protects DNA from damage.
4. Improves cell wall permeability that facilitates the intake of nutrients into each cell and thus removes toxic elements.
5. Increases overall body energy level.
6. Cleanses the blood improving chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles floating in the blood) and triglyceride profiles and fibrin patterns.
7. Improves immune function as proven in laboratory studies.
8. Improves mental focus as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG frequencies.
9. Balance out the two hemispheres of the brain as measured by EEG tests.
10. Works as an antidepressant since it reduces the uptake of noradrenaline by PC 12 nerve cells.
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