How Contagious is Coronavirus? How to Protect Yourself!

The latest coronavirus outbreak (novel coronavirus) is a frightening epidemic that has many people in panic. This is understandable, considering that there are now over 24,324 known cases and 490 deaths.

But before we have an emotional reaction to those numbers, it’s important to first take a moment to think logically about the actual danger that this poses.

Because in reality, this is still a very small number compared with the population of the world, or even just the population of China. The condition is contagious yes, but not uncontrollably so. And likewise, it is not immediately fatal.

Here are the facts.

Firstly, coronavirus is not thought to behave differently than any other virus. Just like the common cold or flu, it is believed to be transmitted via airborne droplets. This limits the spread to people in close proximity to one another, and also makes it relatively easy to block with simple measures (such as a face mask).

Let’s imagine that you were traveling to the most at-risk areas of China. While this is not advisable (nor conscientious seeing as you owe it to other people not to contribute to the problem), it is also true that you’d be no more likely to catch the disease than you would any other cold or flu. Most of us manage to visit areas where flu is rife without expecting to definitely catch the flu.

The flu has resulted in anything from 9.3 million to 49 million illnesses in the United States each year!

So, while you might consider coronavirus to be very contagious, that doesn’t actually mean you are at risk unless you are living with someone with the condition.

The other thing to remember is that coronavirus does not kill everyone that it infects – in fact this is only likely for those that are already at risk (such as the elderly or the previously unwell).

Things to Do

To counter this infection, the very first step is practical-wash your hands regularly, eat healthy, and get the proper amount of sleep the body needs to be well. if you feel you are going to cough, do so into the inside of your elbow. Do not touch your face or eyes. Avoid public areas if possible and especially avoid those who are infected, unless you are a properly trained and prepared health care worker. At this time, a face mask is not recommended unless you are infected. Follow any other guidelines recommended by the Center for Disease Control. (CDC)

Use Reiki

Reiki energy is capable of strengthening the immune system and in so doing helping the body prevent infection. It is also capable of restoring health if one becomes infected. Please follow these guidelines:

  • Give yourself Reiki regularly throughout the day.
  • Set aside time to give yourself full Reiki sessions at least once a day.
  • Send Reiki to the world to help people prevent infection and help heal those who are infected.
  • Use distant healing to send Reiki to individuals and groups who have been infected.
  • Stay in touch with the latest news updates about Coronavirus and take responsibility for the care of yourself, your family and your loved ones.

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