Getting To Know the Reiki Hand Positions for Healing Yourself – Head And Body

Level 1 reiki practitioners who receive an energy attunement will then be able to learn the hand positions to use if they wish to treat themselves.

The positions are categorized as being related to head, body, back, and legs and feet. Each of the positions has a code and treats a certain area or illness. In this article we will look at head and body.

Just hover with your palms, or rest your hands in each position. NEVER press down hard.

Head positions

Put your hands together covering the eyes.
Treats cold, flu, sinus issues, hormone imbalances and the immune system. Also tunes the Third Eye chakra of intuition that sits between your brows.

Wrists together with the right and left palms over the temples.
Treats: Stress, tiredness, headache, nerves, mental and emotional problems, concentration.

Hands at the side of the head, slightly cupped over the ears.
Treats: Ear, nose and throat problems, colds, balance, hearing.

Put your hands together like a bowl to cup the back of your head and neck.
Treats: Stress, worry, headache, colds, neck and back problems.

Body positions

Hold hands and fingers so they form a “tent” above the throat. Don’t touch the throat, as this gives a very unpleasant choking sensation.
Treats: The throat chakra, seat of communication and truth. Helps with throat and thyroid gland issues and the ability to express yourself clearly.

Hold the hands over the collarbone and breastbone, hands resting on shoulders, fingers pointing to the back.
Treats: Lungs, immune system, throat. Good for those with asthma and allergies.

Place your hands over you breasts/pecs.
Treats the heart chakra, so opens you up to love and compassion. Also good for, lungs, asthma, allergies, circulation problems, heart issues, and emotional problems.

Solar plexus position, center of the rib cage, on the abdomen.
Treats third chakra of willpower and boosts lungs, pancreas, liver, spleen, and gallbladder. Aids with digestive problems, stress, worry, nervousness and problems with self-control.

Place the hands in the middle of the stomach area, approximately around the navel.
Treats: Second chakra, the sex chakra. Also helps with digestion, liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidneys, and adrenal glands above the kidneys. Boosts happiness.

Hands by the pubic bone, with the hands angled to follow the seam of your legs. Treats chakras 1 and 2, and helps with sex and urinary problems, energy and weight problems.

Now that you know the main head and body positions, you can use these to unblock the energies in your upper body, for greater health and healing.

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