Triangle Gift Giver Attunement

Triangle “Giver of Gifts”

This Giver of “Gifts” has so many positive side effects including the fact that it acts as a focus tool to broaden your psychic abilities, strengthen your healing touch, and clear your mind so that reading minds becomes easier for you. if you participate in Fortune telling, Oracle reading, Aura reading, energetic readings, higher learning, subconscious healing, healing, telekinesis, spirit communication, ancient wisdom, ancient knowledge, tarot reading, astrological reading, dream analysis and interpretation bi-location, time travel, astral travel, or hypnotism then the Giver of Gifts will bring clarity, focus and direction to you – allowing you to access all your higher powers. It will also enable you to focus on lowering your molecular rate, a process practiced in Tibet whereby men and women become invisible, levitate, and astral travel thousands of miles without ever leaving their home. They have the secret. The secret is the triangle. And now the time has arrived for you to unleash the secret powers of the triangle !

Are you interested in drawing the natural forces of the magical world into your life? Do you want to connect with the metaphysical powers that are called into play by the triangle? Since the times of King Solomon the triangle’s metaphysical properties have been revered and studied, worshiped and worked with, and hidden so well within the Craft that – today, very few know the secret of how to utilize the powerful ‘drawing’ energies of the triangle.

“The Triangle is associated with the number three which is made powerful and omnipotent because it is the number of the holy Trinity. The triangle was revered by the temple priests of King Solomon and by the kings of ancient Egypt and this can still be seen today in the way they designed their three sided pyramids – the pyramids are triangles that have stood the test of time since they have lasted for thousands of years. The number 3 – in the form of a triangle – also represents continuity and brings balance and consistency into the lives of those who suffer from the effects of a chaotic world that is filled with accidental events and unforeseen tragedies. Pointing upwards, the triangle symbolizes fire and power. Pointing downward it is a symbol of the life giving womb. But the secret we shall now reveal is that the most powerful metaphysicians, witches, herbalists, alchemists and occultists use the triangle as a summoning symbol to summon everything from blessings and health and good fortune, to good luck and wealth. Triangles can also be used to summon spirits and it is for this reason that many Mediums and Clairvoyants employ triangles when they are doing sittings with clients who wish to speak with their loved ones on the other side of the veil. On a more mysterious note some occultists use the triangle in their rites and rituals when they are summoning their Familiar or their spirit guide (who is expected to appear within a triangle that has been drawn on the floor). The occultist will perform their ritual from the protection of a circle. Additionally, a circle placed within a triangle when the witch or wizard wants direct communion with spirits is yet another example of the power of a triangle.

Our reason for designing this latest rare offering is because we want to share the secret of the triangle with you. The triangle can be used by all, safely, and for the benefit of everyone. Do you need to remove hexes, bad luck, money worries, and curses and misfortune? Do you desire to draw a higher paying job towards you so you can pay down your credit card debts? Do you suspect malign spirits or energies have attached themselves to you? And do you need protection, guidance and spiritual security so that your soul is never sullied and your psyche is never harmed? Then it is time for you to accept your share of the secret too! The secret is yours and you will find it embodied within this powerful offering that has 2 triangles (to draw abundance, happier times, prosperity, wealth, peace and protection towards you) and an all seeing eight sided eye (so that you may always be shielded on all four sides of your body, and above your body, and below your body, and within your body, and within your mind from the unseen dangers that filter through into our dimension to bring us bad luck, harm, danger and trouble).

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