What Is Chios Energy Field Healing? Some Answers As To How It Promotes Wellness

What is Chios energy field healing anyway? And, what exactly does it do to help a person with physical ailments, or emotional or mental issues, in order to promote healing for their condition?

To begin with, the alternative therapy consists of a certified practitioner who uses a holistic approach with the addition of energy inducers, such as lights and crystals, in an attempt to help balance a person’s chakras and aura fields. This therapy is based on the theory that each and every person and living thing in the universe has an individual field of energy that surrounds them. Illnesses and other chronic maladies start when that field becomes disrupted or starts malfunctioning.

Each field is comprised of various chakras and aura layers, which reflect whatever is physically, emotionally or mentally making itself known in a person’s body. And, in order to begin to heal, this damaged field must first be cleansed of any abnormalities, or defects before it can happen. Moreover, this bodywork is able to get down to the root cause of a person’s condition, and may even prevent the start of any new afflictions down the road.

Those certified in this type of bodywork are thought to become stronger in their energy channeling and transfer abilities with every client they work on. When the person has successfully received this transfer of energy, it starts to repair those rifts and cracks in his own source, and thus, begins to help him recover from whatever emotional, physical or mental condition he suffers, and give his well-being an overall boost as well. However, he will need several sessions the healing starts show, and, the client himself is expected to participate in his own care by learning and practicing routine imagery and meditation.

There have been reviews by quite a few people who have had positive things to report about the results of their treatments. Some of the illnesses and conditions that clients have reported significantly improved include freedom from chronic aches and pains, relief from allergies, a lifting of their depressions, and a downswing of any anxieties, just to name a few.

So hopefully this has helped educate the reader on how Chios energy field healing may be able to help heal a person who is suffering from a mental, emotional or physical ailment, and improve their overall health, as well. If the reader would like more information regarding this subject, it’s easy to find online just by searching for it. And, it also goes without saying that before someone tries this therapy himself, his doctor should be consulted first, just to remain on the safe side.

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