What Symbols are used in Reiki?

In traditional reiki, there are 3 main reiki symbols that are supposed to contain healing benefits. The symbols are based on Japanese kanji writing. Traditionally, they were secret, and passed down from teacher to student in a lineage when the person received their attunement.

Now, thanks to the wonders of the Internet, very little is secret these days. Many people are therefore aware of the symbols, but they probably don’t know the meaning behind them or their uses.

The 3 reiki symbols are given during a Level 2 Attunement. They are:

The Power symbol (Choku Rei)
The Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki) and
The Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen)

The Power symbol (Choku Rei, pronounced cho-koo-RAY)
The name can be roughly translated as “Place the power of the universe here.” Think of it as the on-off switch for the start and end of each reiki session. It is also a symbol of protection. It also boosts the power of the other symbols.

The Mental or Emotional symbol (Sei He Ki, pronounced say-hey-KEY)
It can be roughly translated as “The divine and man become one.” This is the union of body, mind and spirit. It helps to harmonize all three as well. This can help free you from subconscious issues that might be holding you back from the life you long for. Use it for inner peace and harmony, and relief from stress, anxiety and depression.

The Distance symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, pronounced hon-SHAH-zee-show-NEN)
It has 2 meanings. The first is, “No past, no present, no future.” The second is “The divine within me connects to the divine within you.”

It is called the distance symbol because it is used to send healing energies to people who are not in the same location as the healer. The translation should also give you an idea of how it purifies past, present and future, and connects with our higher selves. It is very useful for aura and chakra work.

If you are a Level 2 reiki practitioner, set a good intention before sending out healing energy to another person in the room, or from a distance using the distance symbol. See if they report any positive changes in their life.

Take these symbols seriously and use them with respect, to help heal yourself and others.

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