Do Not Let The Need For Perfection Get In The Way Of Success

In order to be successful at anything it takes a certain amount of desire, work and dedication. There are times when the individual can be their own worst enemy on the path to success. Things will always change and when a set of hard and fast rules have been developed to operate by, this makes it difficult to adhere to new ways of thinking. Do not let the need for perfection get in the way of success by spending time second guessing and reinventing the wheel on every project.

One of the first things that must be realized is that there is no way to achieve complete perfection as a human being. Wanting to achieve perfection can be good, but when taken to the extreme it can lead to unfinished projects for fear of not completing them perfectly. This is actually associated with the need for control and may be related to an actual problem known as obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

People who suffer with this particular disorder are obsessed with particular ways of doing things, rules and organization. They do not allow themselves any flexibility where these things are concerned and often become so upset and anxious when given projects that they are actually frightened to begin them for fear of failure. This type of individual is also not one to allow someone to assist them and they do not have the ability to delegate responsibility.

It is believed that the condition is actually inherited through a particular gene. Two different studies indicate the DRD3 gene is responsible for the condition. This condition is more common to men and may not actually become a problem until triggered by some event in life. It may affect different individuals to different degrees.

There are no hard and fast rules that state it cannot be overcome and will improve with self-help or perhaps psychotherapy should be considered. A life coach may be the perfect answer to breaking free from the small box that has been deterring success. It just takes the confidence to accept that things are not in ones control at all times and that one can only perform to the best of their ability.

Life coaches can help with modification of the behaviors that are limiting your success. Confidence building and positive reinforcement may be the key to avoiding procrastination and allowing goals to be achieved for the first time. It is time to stop living by the strict rules that have been set and begin a life with healthy, positive and attainable goals.

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